Lecture: "Human Rights in Practice" with Pernille Ironside
October 23, 2018

November 21, 2018 | 12:30-2pm | IKB 1003 Osgoode Hall Law School
Please RSVP at alumniandfriends.yorku.ca/event/pernilleironside
Direct from Nigeria, York alumna Pernille Ironside (JD ’99) will be in Toronto to receive the Tentanda Via 2018 Bryden Alumni Award. During her visit, we invite you to learn how her York U degree coupled with her interest in social justice and human rights led her to work in conflict zones around the world, protecting children and women. Ironside has been working for the United Nations for the past 16 years protecting children and delivering humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable. She currently serves as UNICEF’s Deputy Representative in Nigeria.
Attendance is free but registration is required. Light refreshments provided.
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