401 Richmond Street West
Toronto, ON
M5V 3A8

Artificial intelligence (A.I.) brings fundamental change in our lives, affecting everything from business to government; working life to personal time. As increasingly sophisticated AI systems are created and used more widely, the effects on our health are unclear.
Effects on labour markets and employment are popular areas of public concern and debate, but the potential societal effects of A.I. extend more broadly. Questions have been raised about fundamental and complex topics such as algorithmic bias, transparency, governance, and inclusion.
This panel will examine diverse topics including ethics, policymaking and the health of our cities.
Our speakers will provide an overview of key A.I. concepts, their cross-cutting policy implications, and consider what health equity considerations we must undertake when thinking about the use of AI in the GTA.
Jennifer Gibson, Director, University of Toronto’s Joint Centre for Bioethics
Vass Bednar, Head of Public Policy, Delphia
Moderated by Kwame McKenzie, CEO, Wellesley Institute
Doors will open at 6 p.m. Event will begin promptly at 6:30 p.m. Light refreshments will be served.
If cost is a barrier, you require information in an alternative format, or have concerns related to the accessibility of this event, please contact contact@wellesleyinstitute.com.
NOTE: This is not a DIGHR event