Suite 2150
Dahdaleh Building, 88 The Pond Rd.
Keele Campus

Community Scholar Linn Biorklund Belliveau recently returned from Mexico, where she conducted research on the health of Honduran migrants in Mexico, towards her major project Health of Displaced People in the Context of Climate Change & Restrictive Migration Policies.
Migrants from Northern Central America seeking refuge in Mexico are affected by the intersection of environmental degradation; trends in state policy which increasingly diverge from international norms; and the criminalisation of transnational humanitarian spaces.
In this Lunch and Learn, Linn will present an initial analysis of how these determinants endanger personal safety, health and dignity. She will share impressions from a recent visit to the southern Mexican state Tabasco. Three areas will be explored:
*Effects of prolonged droughts and a coffee-plant epidemic in western Honduras
*Mexican immigration politics - including decreased border controls and increased use of humanitarian visas - since President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador took office
*Insecurities along the Guatemala-Mexico border, and the Mexico-US border hampering access to humanitarian assistance and protection
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Image Credit: (Pedro Pardo/AFP/Getty Images) Honduran migrants heading in a caravan to the U.S., hold a demonstration demanding authorities to allow the rest of the group to cross, in Ciudad Hidalgo, Chiapas, Mexico after crossing from Guatemala, on Oct. 20, 2018.