Projections: The Good, the Bad and the Weird of Global Health Films
January 11, 2019

The Dahdaleh Institute is getting an education on the art of moving images. Join us as we watch documentaries, thrillers and experimental films on global health themes. Feel free to bring your lunch and your inner film critic.
Screening schedule can be found on our events calendar
Series begins January 27 2019
Thursdays (unless otherwise noted), 12-2pm
Boardroom, Dahdaleh Institute Offices, Suite 2150, Dahdaleh Building, York University
Got a film suggestion?
We want to see films of all genres from all over the world. If you've got a suggestion, please contact us! Email
While we try to select films with broad appeal, we are watching some for the first time, most of these films depict difficult topics and a few may be just plain bad.
Download the poster
Note: schedule on the poster is subject to change. Check the events calendar and follow us on twitter for schedule updates.
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